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TCP 3-Way Handshake (SYN,SYN-ACK,ACK)

The TCP three-way handshake in Transmission Control Protocol (also called the TCP-handshake; three message handshake and/or SYN-SYN-ACK) is the method used by TCP set up a TCP/IP connection over an Internet Protocol based network. TCP's three way handshaking technique is often referred to as "SYN-SYN-ACK" (or more accurately SYN, SYN-ACK, ACK) because there are three messages transmitted by TCP to negotiate and start a TCP session between two computers. The TCP handshaking mechanism is designed so that two computers attempting to communicate can negotiate the parameters of the network TCP socket connection before transmitting data such as SSH and HTTP web browser requests.

This 3-way handshake process is also designed so that both ends can initiate and negotiate separate TCP socket connections at the same time. Being able to negotiate multiple TCP socket connections in both directions at the same time allows a single physical network interface, such as Ethernet, to be multiplexed to transfer multiple streams of TCP data simultaneously

SYNchronize and ACKnowledge messages are indicated by a either the SYN bit, or the ACK bit inside the TCP header, and the SYN-ACK message has both the SYN and the ACK bits turned on (set to 1) in the TCP header.

TCP knows whether the network TCP socket connection is opening, synchronizing, established by using the SYNchronize and ACKnowledge messages when establishing a network TCP socket connection.

When the communication between two computers ends, another 3-way communication is performed to tear down the TCP socket connection. This setup and tear down of a TCP socket connection is part of what qualifies TCP a reliable protocol. TCP also acknowledges that data is successfully received and guarantees the data is reassembled in the correct order.

Note that UDP is connectionless. That means UDP doesn't establish connections as TCP does, so UDP does not perform this 3-way handshake and for this reason, it is referred to as an unreliable protocol. That doesn't mean UDP can't transfer data, it just doesn't negotiate how the connection will work, UDP just transmits and hopes for the best.

TCP provides reliable communication with something called Positive Acknowledgement with Re-transmission(PAR). The Protocol Data Unit(PDU) of the transport layer is called segment. Now a device using PAR resend the data unit until it receives an acknowledgement. If the data unit received at the receiver’s end is damaged(It checks the data with checksum functionality of the transport layer that is used for Error Detection), then receiver discards the segment. So the sender has to resend the data unit for which positive acknowledgement is not received. You can realize from above mechanism that three segments are exchanged between sender(client) and receiver(server) for a reliable TCP connection to get established. Let us delve how this mechanism works :

  • Step 1 (SYN) : In the first step, client wants to establish a connection with server, so it sends a segment with SYN(Synchronize Sequence Number) which informs server that client is likely to start communication and with what sequence number it starts segments with

  • Step 2 (SYN + ACK): Server responds to the client request with SYN-ACK signal bits set. Acknowledgement(ACK) signifies the response of segment it received and SYN signifies with what sequence number it is likely to start the segments with

  • Step 3 (ACK) : In the final part client acknowledges the response of server and they both establish a reliable connection with which they will start eh actual data transfer

The steps 1, 2 establish the connection parameter (sequence number) for one direction and it is acknowledged. The steps 2, 3 establish the connection parameter (sequence number) for the other direction and it is acknowledged. With these, a full-duplex communication is established.

Note – Initial sequence numbers are randomly selected while establishing connections between client and server.


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